WORK IN PROGRESS: As the BIO database is being transferred to an Open Foris Arena format, I am trying to redevelop the 'search tool' of the 2012 Plant Gallery (developed with PHP) as a Shiny app (which seems just easier, to me).
The best images representative of the Seychelles checklist of species are shown on the Seychelles Plant Gallery ).
SEARCH criteria are grouped into 4 thematic groups: just click the little + to open the collapsed menu.
Each time you change search criteria the image gallery adjusts itself, as well as the species checklist on Tab 3.
As we do not have illustration for all species listed in Seychelles, the Tab 3 is useful to check on the complete list of species names filtered. It includes a hyperlink that brings you directly to the GBIF page, where you can see images from around the World.
For more information on some groups, namely the flora, see ).
Future development include an ecosystem image gallery...
Contact me for any feedback:
Use one to many search criteria to filter the image gallery. For guidance on how to use this search tool (e.g. colors), see: training guide ).
Filter by species names, vernacular names and taxonomic groups
Morphological criteria
Filter by Invasion or Conservation ecology criteria
Other filtering criteria: island distribution, image quality, etc.
This table compiles all names from our BIO database and GBIF names reported in Seychelles.
Use one to many search criteria to filter this table (see on Tab2: image gallery). The column GBIF indicate if the species name is listed in the BIO database and/or GBIF, and it provides a direct hyperlink to GBIF